Friday, September 26, 2008

The New House

It must be ours. When we drove over there tonight, this was what was on the front lawn. Yeah!

Here it is. We know it is dark, it was just after sunset, so we couldn't get too great of a picture.
But isn't she lovely. The windows you can see are the living room on the main floor and Jaredd's room on the second floor.
When we got home, here is how Jaredd spent our entire date. Sound asleep in a faceplant on our bed. He hasn't been feeling too well the last couple of days and just couldn't stay awake during dinner. He slept for two hours before we woke him up to go to bed.


Trever and Heather said...

Very cute house! I can't wait to visit!

Renae said...

way cool! Did you survive the move? I love house shopping. Not so much the moving part.